“Let’s go listen to Pop laugh,” says Caroline to her five-year-old daughter. Caroline’s father is gone, but he lives on in an oral-history recording that he did with me just… read more →
Consider this: our fondest childhood memories don’t feature our parents. That’s according to psychologist Michael Thompson. A shocking thought to those of you who are parents, right?! But it dovetails… read more →
This summer, New Englanders were captivated by the Market Basket saga, as the challenges of running a family business took center stage in a very public way. A recent Boston… read more →
“The single most important thing you can do for your family… develop a strong family narrative.” — Bruce Feiler, author of The Secrets of Happy Families Recent research has shown that… read more →
In honor of Passover and Easter, two holidays we celebrate with traditional foods, I wanted to encourage you to preserve what is often a most treasured and nostalgic possession: family… read more →
This video about young people remembering words of wisdom dispensed by their grandparents will put a smile on your face. And maybe it will inspire you to grab a video… read more →